Sunday, April 22, 2012

Riversong Spa is Going Green!

In honor of Earth Day, I thought I'd do a post that told about some small things I'm trying to do around here that are green-friendly.  For starters, I started saving all of the natural cellulose sponges that I use during facials and treatments because they are compostable, and I happen to have a compost bin at home.  

Also, I have always made a point of not giving customers water bottles, because they just end up in the garbage, which ultimately ends up in landfills, etc.  So, I've always just used glasses. However, I did purchase a Keurig to add a little bit of comfort and coziness to my spa ambience.  Green tea sounds warm and delightful, right?  But, if you've ever had a treatment at my shop, it's only one room, which doesn't necessarily lend itself to lingering while someone else has an appoinment.  So, hence the need for a to-go hot cup.  I searched high and low until I found something that was also compostable.  

Yes, I know, not really a huge earth-friendly decision.  My point is, though, that it's something.  A small step in the general direction of good intentions toward the earth, using materials that will decompose quickly, and are earth-friendly.  The whole point of this message isn't that what I'm doing is so great, it's that I try to be mindful of what I am doing.  I try to be mindful of what I eat.  I try to eat as much organic food as possible because I believe that the farming practices are more sustainable and environment friendly, not to mention pesticide-free.  I use organic health & beauty products.  In small ways, I try to make mindful decisions about my lifestyle and how my choices affect the future.  And, if you're ever at my house and I don't have any paper towels or napkins, now you'll know why.

Happy Earth Day!

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